
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Gardeners & Landscape Gardeners Insurance Explained

Gardeners insurance is an expense a lot of traders think they do not need – but thousands of accidents take place in gardens every year.

More than 30,000 accidents a year are garden-related, according to the latest figures from the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).

These include injuries and damage from power tools, like mowers, hedge cutters and strimmers to 1,800 accidents involving sticks and canes.

If you are working on someone else’s land, then gardeners insurance is a necessity to cover claims for damage and injuries.

These could include damage to garden furniture or ornaments, disrupting water or power supplies while digging or someone picking up an injury from tools left lying around.

Public liability cover safeguards against claims from most of these incidents – but gardeners also have to consider transporting valuable plants and produce and protecting tools left in vehicles.

Any gardener employing a labourer also needs employer liability cover by law.

A typical self-employed gardener will transport tools and equipment around in their car with a trailer or a small van, so it’s essential to make sure vehicle insurance includes business cover and a high level of protection for lost, stolen or damaged tools.

Many comparison web sites off gardeners insurance, but most businesses need bespoke cover tailored to their needs to make sure their specific risks are covered.

For example, some plantsmen or nurserymen might handle valuable and rare plant specimens that are difficult and costly to replace.

Others may have specialist tools and equipment for jobs like grass cutting in playing fields or lopping trees.

A good broker will help a gardener review the business services they offer and put together a short list of features and benefits that give value-for-money cover.

As well as gardeners insurance, look at accident cover that will pay the bills if you are hurt while working.

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